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Some of you may not be aware of who the “LOST Generation” are. It consists of our children that are between the ages of 15 and 21 who are diagnosed with cancers. They are not considered children and they are not considered adults. They are inflicted with many types of sarcoma cancers and compared to the pediatric and adult cancers are less documented, researched or funded. Because of this they do not have access to treatment which would be most beneficial to their age group.

We have established this foundation in memory of our son Shaun Thomas Tanner who was one of those victims. In July of 2001 and at the age of 17, he was diagnosed with Desmoplastic small cell round tumors. At that time the known cases of this devastating disease numbered just over 1,000. During his treatment, Shaun was given numerous chemotherapy treatments monthly and in February of 2002 was given a stem cell transplant using his own stem cells. Despite the quality medical care from amazing doctors and nurses and the constant love and support from family and friends, our son succumbed to this aggressive and painful cancer in September of 2002.

Shaun loved to have fun and he liked to participate in meaningful activities. Our goal for this foundation is to sponsor fund raisers each year that are fun, exciting and of course informative for children and adults. Through these fundraisers we hope to be able to enhance cancer treatment options and fund ongoing research to benefit the


“Lost Generation”. We also hope to provide assistance to  CHOC Children’s Hospital of Orange County to treat patients between the ages of 15 and 21. This facility with the addition of their new adolescent cancer unit hopes to focus on this age group to develop new treatments and protocols and also help these individuals return to their futures after treatment.

During Shaun’s treatment the best medicine, in addition to the ones prescribed by the doctors, was the love and hugs from his family and friends. Shaun thrived on that love and because of it never lost his bright smile or his will to do whatever it took to get better. It is the mission of “HUGS FROM SHAUN” to ensure that the funding and research for the “LOST GENERATION” cancers enhance survival among these patients and our goal is to keep their smiles on their bright young faces.

We encourage you to join us in our mission. Every “HUG FROM SHAUN” activity honors those we remember for their bright loving spirit.

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